Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The musical theme

This under-two-minute piece by Michel Corrette will acquaint us with the musical theme.
Wikipedia has a good definition for the musical theme:
In music, a theme is the material, usually a recognizable melody, upon which part or all of a composition is based.
We will listen to the 'recognisable melody' in this composition by French composer Michel Corrette.

This piece is identified as
-- II. Andante pizzicati (Quand on aimer et plaire from Le Devin du Village by Rousseau)

It should be easy to identify the theme; it's the opening tune introduced by the harpsichord and repeated by the violin. It's light and fun-like, and the photo you watch on the player window exemplifies this quality. It's like a brief interlude describing a scene of nature, or of lovers meeting.

The title tells you more about it.

'Andante' - a marking informing that the music is played in a moderately slow tempo.
'Quand on aimer et plaire from Le Devin du Village by Rousseau' - when we know love and pleasure from The Village Soothsayer by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

'When we know love and pleasure' is a good enough indication for the idea behind the musical piece.

The entire piece revolves around the theme. It expands and plays around, only to come back to the 'mother theme'. Like children playing in the garden and returning home, every evening. Identifying the musical theme also helps us in realising the variations to it.

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