Tuesday, November 10, 2015

An oboe full of life

We listen to a most brilliant composition. Like watching a flower bloom, and sending your heart into bliss.

There is so much win in this under 4-minute piece! A continuous expression of joy.
There is so much melody!
And the oboe!

How romantic is that oboe. How indulgent. Over the rhythms of life, overseeing them, and yet with them. Indulging the strings, and playing along with them. And then, briefly, breaking away from it all.

A rhythmic start, with a beautiful melodic line, and the first of many. The strings offer rhythm. You can hop along to it. And the oboe concurs with the rhythm and the merriment. Rhythm! The strings constantly offer you rhythm.

And then at 1:30, the oboe breaks away a little, into a longer melodic line, while the strings continue with the hop-like rhythms in the background.

This countering of the oboe, this break away, this slight dissidence, makes the piece magnificent.

It's like agreeing with a lover that the sun is wild and makes the garden beautiful, and listening to her generally, but then breaking away a little into your own thoughts. That's what the oboe does. Admits the beauty around him, yet breaks away a little, into his self, without disturbing the rhythms of the outside world. And that's beautiful.

This Tomaso Albinoni Oboe Concerto in D minor Op. 9.

"The oboe is a narrow channel through which one must push a flood of expression." - Robert Bloom, composer - oboist

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